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Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate - (316)-682-7000

Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate in Wichita, Kansas

Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate is a trusted provider of home sale and purchase services in Wichita, Kansas. 2105 S. Oliver is the address of their office, and they can be reached by phone at (316)-682-7000.

Buying and Selling Services

Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate provides some of the best services in Wichita for buying and selling residential properties. They have a team of professionals who have vast experience in the real estate industry, and they guarantee that buyers and sellers get the best deals in town. Whether you're looking for a first home, your dream house, or an investment property, Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate provides reliable solutions to meet all your requirements.

Properties for Sale in Wichita, KS

Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate provides listings for some of the most attractive properties for sale in Wichita. They have a wide selection of affordable properties that cater to the needs of different buyers. Whether you are looking for a condominium, an apartment, a single-family home, or a multi-family home, you will find the perfect property at Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate.

Rentals in Wichita, KS

Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate also provides listings for rental properties in Wichita. If you are looking for an apartment, a condo, or a house to rent, you will find the perfect fit with Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate. They understand that each tenant has different needs, and they guarantee that they will find a rental property that suits your budget and lifestyle.

Expert Real Estate Agents

Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate only hires experienced real estate agents who specialize in the Wichita market. Their agents understand the local market, and they will guide buyers and sellers through every step of the home sale or purchase process. They are dedicated to finding you the best deals in town and ensuring that you get the best advice on any real estate purchase.

For More Information

For more information about the services offered by Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate, please visit their office at 2105 S. Oliver, call them at (316)-682-7000, or visit their website. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.